Monday, December 21, 2015

The Stars

I miss the stars when I'm in the city replaced by the manmade, manpowered replicas Vainly removing the universe from our sight folding our minds into little boxes where we spend our days hoping for more, pleading for something bigger And so we receive it, as food, not for our minds but for our bellies, our girth As drinks, not for our thirst, but our depleted energy our bodies grow larger, Our needs grow larger The waxing desire to break free and the waning desire to release all we have accumulated Until we abandon it entirely, shutting ourselves away from the things that could free us from this cycle Only realizing at moments of extreme duress that we have accumulated the wrong things The things other have told us to. Just enough to leave us incomplete and wanting more Just enough for us to remain under the false stars I miss the stars when I'm in the city. Do you?

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